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Our Community Links

The Avenue Infant School is proud of our links with our local community through educational visits to local churches, the library, schools, trips to the park and walks around the local area. 

Community links are seen as a two-way process.  During the year we have many groups or individuals visit our school from the local community such as police, school nurses, musicians, sports coaches and animal experiences. 

The Sharing Shed Food Bank

We are proud to offer our own small-scale food bank to support any of our families or anyone in our local community that are in need or at a crisis point.  The food bank is there to be used and there is no judgement to be made of anyone who uses the food bank. We recognise that asking for help isn’t always easy, so we want to make this sensitive situation as stress-free and easily accessible as possible.

Opening Times

The Sharing Shed will be open every morning before school and after school, the shed is located in our front playground. If you cannot access the shed during the open hours above, we can arrange a time for you to come into school during the day before 5pm or we can make up a parcel for you to collect if you prefer.

Please contact the school office on 01933 276366 or email

If any families of our children who maybe need a larger amount than is available in the shed to get in touch with the school office. We will sensitively judge their needs and make up parcels of essentials for them, as well as maybe helping them to access further support.

Food bank collection

Any spare food from lunchtimes is collected and given to a local church and food banks. The children are encouraged to eat all of their lunch, but they know anything they cannot eat needs to be placed in the box ready for collection. 

Special Visitors in School from the Local Community

Every year we have a range of people from our local community come into school to talk to the children about their job or how they help in the local community. These range from firefighters, nurses, police to Anita Neil, Britain's first black female Olympian from Wellingborough.


Visiting Our Neighbours 

We regularly visit our neighbours in and around The Avenue.  Our School Council delivers handmade invitations to our annual community morning and have  produced a newsletter. 

Hand-made Christmas Card Delivery

The School Council delivers their hand-made Christmas cards every year to our neighbours. We have received some lovely messages and cards back.

"Please thank the children who made and delivered a Christmas card to us in The Avenue.

The card was bright and fun and the best we have received this year. It was a very thoughtful gesture and cheered us up no end! 

Sending best wishes to all the children and staff."

We received a lovely Christmas card through our letterbox, thank you for the card and sharing some Christmas joy!

It made us smile.

This card displayed above our fireplace. 

Once again thank you for being so kind!"

Carol Singing

Every year, children from Years 1 and 2 visit two local care homes in December, Wendleberrie House and Park House Care Home, to sing carols to the residents. They also spread the Christmas joy to the local neighbours around The Avenue by singing Christmas carols.

Trips and Visits to the Local Community

Throughout the school year, our classes visit local places as part of their learning. These include trips to the Hindu Temple, the Wellingborough Mosque, Wellingborough Museum and town centre, library, Eastfield Park and a walk around the local area.

The whole school visits the United Reform Church for our Christmas Celebration.

 The school go to see the pantomime at The Castle Theatre every year... Oh, yes they do!