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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2

Welcome to Year 2's information page. We have been busy settling into Year 2 and learning the routines and expectations. Please look at our topic overview to see what we are learning about this term.

Beech Class

In Beech class this year we have Mrs Mason, Mrs Brown, Miss Clipstone and Miss Pearce.

We have had a fantastic start to Year 2 and love our classroom learning environment.

We hope to make lots of progress this year and get better at our number work and reading and writing activities.

We are all ready to shine!

Hazel Class

This year, Miss Morris, Miss Wheeler and Mrs Hall are working in Hazel Class. 

We have a full class of 30 wonderful children. We work hard, always try our best and everyone is kind and helpful. We are all really looking forward to learning so much this year.

We can’t wait to show you what we achieve! 

The Snug

The Snug staff are Miss Peck, Miss Lockhart, Miss Reynolds, Miss Tomkins, Mrs Gayle, Miss Sparks and Mrs Constable.


Our PE day is a Tuesday.

Please remember the children are to come into school wearing their PE kit on their PE day. This should be their normal school top half uniform with leggings or joggers and trainers/plimsolls.


On the Year 2 Topic sheet there are also suggestions for things you can do at home with your child that will help to consolidate their in-class experiences. Each child has a book in which to complete these challenges. This can be brought into school at any time to share their hard work.

Each challenge completed will earn them a raffle ticket or Avenue pound.

Avenue pounds are what the children earn for fantastic effort, good listening or being the best they can be. Every half-term, the children get to spend these Avenue pounds in the Avenue shop. They collect their pounds in their drawers.

Class Rewards

We are working very hard to earn our 100 ticks to receive a class reward. We are VERY excited about this!